What’s wrong with my tree? Armillaria root rot
Armillaria root rot is a disease of trees and woody plants Armillaria root rot is a disease of trees and woody plants caused by the fungus species Armillaria. This fungal disease affects more than 200 species of trees, with oaks, elms, and maples being the most susceptible. Signs and symptoms [...]
Can you plant a tree where another was removed?
Be it from damage or disease, sometimes a tree needs to be removed. Dead and drying trees not only invite pests and diseases but can potentially fall and cause personal or property damage. After removing the tree, can you plant another tree where it was? You can, but it’s typically [...]
What to do when tree roots are destroying your sidewalks
Are you a homeowner with trees in your front or backyard? If so, chances are that you might have noticed tree roots impacting the condition of your sidewalks. Over time, as the tree grows and its roots expand, it can cause significant damage, making it difficult for you to properly [...]
Tips for cleaning up your landscaping after winter
With winter coming to a close and spring just around the corner, homeowners may be thinking about updating their outdoor landscaping for the warmer months. From replacing dead plants to cutting back overgrown areas, there are several things you can do to get your lawn ready for summer. But before [...]
What’s Wrong With My Tree? Pine Shoot Beetle
Pine shoot beetles are an invasive species Pine shoot beetles (Tomicus piniperda Linnaeus) are beetles native to Europe that were discovered in Ohio in 1992. Since then, they have been detected in 19 states. This beetle targets, damages, and can even kill pine trees by feeding on young shoots. Pine [...]