What Is Wrong With My Tree? Rhizosphaera

Is A Fungus The Rhizosphaera fungus attacks spruce trees in Missouri. The disease is encouraged by poor air circulation and high humidity. This disease does not usually kill trees, but they may become largely defoliated and unsightly.

Oystershell Scale: Identify & Control

Oysters on your trees? This is not the water-dwelling creature but a pest known as oysterscale. Oysterscale, or mussel scale, resides in the family of what is known as scale insects that commonly affect trees and shrubs around the country. Up Next: What Is Not Killing Your Trees? This pest [...]

What Are Girdling Roots & Are They Bad For Your Trees?

Twisting, turning, gnarled roots. While they are visually interesting to the untrained eye, tree roots that become compressed, or “girdled”, can cause stress to trees. Like wearing a belt that is too tight, girdling roots choke the tree, causing damage if left untreated, Up Next: Is Too Much Rain Bad [...]

Take Action Now To Prevent Oak Wilt

Oak wilt is an aggressive fungal disease that attacks the water-conducting tissues of oak trees. This disease, caused by the pathogen Ceratocystis fagacearum, is one of the most serious diseases to affect oak trees in the United States. Up Next: 5 Common Tree Diseases & How To Protect Your Trees [...]

What Is Wrong With My Tree? Basal Tree Rot

What Is Basal Tree Rot? Decay in trees is often a hidden problem that takes place inside the trunk or roots and may be difficult to see.  Many homeowners see a tree with a full canopy of green leaves and assume the tree is “healthy”.  A tree can have large [...]