Get Your Trees Inspected This Spring!
Spring is here at last! That means sunshine, warmer weather, and time spent outdoors after a long winter trapped inside. It also means it is time to get your lawn in order and your trees inspected. Up Next: What Is Dynamic Tree Cabling & When Do You Need It? By [...]
Why You Need Winter Pest & Disease Prevention
Think preventative tree care to keep your trees safe from pests and disease is a chore waiting for Spring green-up? Think again. Up Next: Should You Treat Or Remove Your Ash Tree With EAB? Late winter is one of the best times to treat your trees with preventative treatments to [...]
5 Common Tree Diseases & How To Protect Your Trees
Seeing brown spots on your tree’s leaves? A strange gelatinous mass that is reminiscent of something from a sci-fi flick? Your tree may be suffering from one of these five common diseases. Up Next: Prevent Insect Problems With Horticultural Oil Treatments Trying to identify what’s happening to your tree can [...]
Prevent Insect Problems With Horticultural Oil Treatments
The best way to treat any problem is to take steps to prevent it from happening in the first place. This is true when it comes to caring for your trees. Take preventive measures to protect your trees against bug infestations by applying horticultural oils to the twigs and branches [...]
Recognizing, Treating, & Preventing Borer Infestations
Borer infestations are a headache no tree owner wants to think about. Not only do these beetles threaten your trees and make them look unsightly, they can potentially spread and severely damage trees beyond your own. Learn more about two borer infestations we see here at Hansen’s and how you [...]