4 Tips To Limit Long-Term Damage When Trees Bud Early

The weather has been on the wild side this winter, with temperatures ranging from the 60s to negative digits. While we cannot control the weather, we can take steps to protect our trees from unseasonable weather and early budding. Up Next: Take Action Now To Prevent Freeze & Thaw Damage [...]

Is It Too Late To Prune My Oak Trees?

Oaks are a popular tree around the country, as they provide habitats for many native species, beautiful fall colors, longevity, and shade. Pruning is an essential tree service that keeps your trees, and your property, safe. Oaks also benefit from the removal of dead or weak branches so they can [...]

Take Action Now To Prevent Freeze & Thaw Damage In Your Trees

As spring approaches and temperatures fluctuate, having that burst of warmer weather might be nice for us, but it can be a problem for trees. Rapid changes in temperature can cause freeze and thaw damage in trees that will cause problems down the road. Up Next: 4 Winter Tree Care [...]

3 Tips For Protecting The History & Beauty Of Our Heritage Trees

A heritage tree is typically a large, individual tree that holds unique or historical value and is often considered irreplaceable. The criteria of a heritage tree include: Size (large diameter and tall trees are typically valued more) Age (older trees have historic value) Rarity (uncommon trees often create more interest) [...]

Preparing For a Successful Spring

It is never too early to think about spring! Winter is the time to start preparing your property for a successful spring and ensuring that your trees’ risks are kept to a minimum. Up Next: Keep Them Under Control: Good Caterpillars Versus Bad Remember, tree maintenance is your responsibility as [...]