Preparing Your Trees for Winter
Trees can be badly damaged during severe winter storms. Trees are biologically engineered to adjust to most of the things that “Mother Nature” dishes up. Sometimes, however, trees are not able to compensate for catastrophic events, and a failure occurs. By identifying problems and dealing with them before winter storms [...]
So You Have A Storm Damaged Tree
Now What? It happens far too often. You intended to get that tree trimmed up, the crown reduced, or have the interior of the tree pruned so it didn’t have as much volatility in a storm (so important with Bradford Pear trees) but you just never made the call [...]
Cottonwood tree removal
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White Oaks Turning Brown
Many white oaks across southern and eastern Missouri are turning brown due primarily to the jumping oak gall, and possibly also due to some effects of fungal diseases. MDC offices are being flooded with calls from concerned landowners. Attached is a Forest Health Alert sheet that provides some answers. The [...]
Jumping Oak Gall
FOREST HEALTH ALERT White Oaks Turning Brown in Late Spring Problem: Leaves on entire crowns of white oak trees turn brown in late Spring. In some cases, whole hillsides appear brown. Individual leaves turn brown starting at the margins, and sometimes curl up and turn black.