What’s wrong with my tree? Verticillium wilt
Verticillium wilt is a severe fungal disease Verticillium wilt is a severe fungal disease caused by the fungus Verticillium dahliae. This fungus lives in the soil and can lay dormant for many years until the roots of susceptible plants, like maple trees, get close and causes the spores to germinate. [...]
6 ways you can start preparing your property for fall now
Fall is just around the corner! But before we can enjoy our hot drinks and fall weather, we need to start preparing our properties. Clean your gutters Before the leaves start turning and falling, take the time to clean your gutters if you haven’t done it yet. If you neglect [...]
5 Tips For Protecting Trees From Animal Damage All Year Long
From deer antler rubbing and foraging to tree girdling from rabbits and other small animals, excessive animal damage to our trees can cause stress that can lead to diseases and pests. While not all animal damage can be prevented, there are ways to minimize damage. Protecting your trees from excessive [...]
The 3 best showy shrubs to plant in your yard for privacy
Privacy shrubs are a great way to add a natural barrier around your property that is more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than fencing. It will take some work, but it will be more than worth it! Do not plant invasive species like bush honeysuckle! These species spread quickly and crowd [...]
What’s wrong with my trees? Dog vomit slime mold
Dog vomit slime mold isn’t dangerous to your trees Did someone’s dog throw up on your lawn? If you see something yellow that looks yellow and slimy, it could be what’s known as dog vomit slime mold or scrambled egg mold. Its name comes from its appearance, which gives the [...]