4 Winter Tree Care Tips For Healthier Trees Year Round
The winter may be mild this year, but that doesn’t mean that you should stop thinking about your trees! Proper winter tree care sets your trees up for success, so be sure not to neglect them! Up Next: 3 Ways You May Unknowingly Be Harming Your Trees Here are 4 [...]
Give Thanks: The Many Benefits Of Trees
It is the time of Thanksgiving and that means giving thanks to the people and things in our lives. That includes trees! Trees provide us with many benefits that we should always be thankful for. Up Next: Best 3 Native Missouri Trees To Plant In Your Yard From their natural [...]
What Are Girdling Roots & Are They Bad For Your Trees?
Twisting, turning, gnarled roots. While they are visually interesting to the untrained eye, tree roots that become compressed, or “girdled”, can cause stress to trees. Like wearing a belt that is too tight, girdling roots choke the tree, causing damage if left untreated, Up Next: Is Too Much Rain Bad [...]
What Is Not Killing Your Trees?
You are a vigilant homeowner who cares for your trees. You regularly get them inspected, prune as needed, and make sure that they remain healthy and safe. When you see something that looks different, such as browning leaves or an unidentifiable insect nibbling on them you may be concerned as [...]
What Do Trees Need To Be Healthy?
Our trees are a valuable resource that needs to be cared for and looked after. They provide us with shade, clean air, and many happy summer memories. Up Next: Should I Remove The Ivy Growing On My Tree? Trees need specific conditions to be healthy, especially in urban areas where [...]