Winter Ice Damage To Trees: Take Action!
Wintery weather and ice storms in St. Louis may affect your plans, but at Hansen’s Tree Service, we are at the ready with emergency tree services! Up Next: Why You Need Winter Pest & Disease Protection Heavy snow or ice on trees, even healthy ones, can break limbs and cause [...]
Why You Need Winter Pest & Disease Prevention
Think preventative tree care to keep your trees safe from pests and disease is a chore waiting for Spring green-up? Think again. Up Next: Should You Treat Or Remove Your Ash Tree With EAB? Late winter is one of the best times to treat your trees with preventative treatments to [...]
Why & When You Should Water Your Trees In The Winter
Few people realize that trees are actually very active during the winter months. If the ground doesn’t become frozen solid, tree roots are very active and will grow during these “dormant” months. Watering in winter, especially if the season has been mild or dry, allows moisture and nutrients to reach [...]
Protecting New Trees In The Winter
Winter can take a toll on your plants. From salt damage to foraging animals, young trees are especially vulnerable and need extra care. Protecting new trees in winter is a vital step in their health and growth. Up Next: 5 Common Diseases & How To Protect Your Trees If you [...]
Winter Tree Damage: 5 Things To Look For
After the snowstorm the St. Louis area had this January, you may be having concerns about the health and safety of your trees and property. Up Next: 3 Ways Snow Will Damage Your Trees (If You’re Not Careful) Recognizing winter tree damage is one of the first steps you can [...]