Tree Of The Month: The Northern Red Oak

There’s no question that oak trees are a common sight in the St. Louis area and throughout the eastern United States. There are, however, approximately 600 species of oak trees worldwide, with 90 native to the United States. Considering all the species of oak trees growing in the U.S., homeowners [...]

The Right Organic Compost Can Be A Game Changer

Compost is compost, and yes, it’s organic, right? Not really. Organic compost is made up of decomposed organic matter such as leaves, garden waste, food scraps, and other biodegradable matter. If a material is biodegradable, it can likely be used in compost. What Does Compost Do? Compost can add vital [...]

Tree Of The Month: The Norway Spruce

Looking for an evergreen to add to your landscaping? One that combines beauty, toughness and adaptability? Then Picea abies – otherwise known as the Norway Spruce – might be the tree for you and your landscaping. Despite the name, the Norway Spruce can be found in the U.S. throughout New [...]

Tree Of The Month: The Southern Magnolia

When people think of magnolia trees, particularly the southern magnolia, they often think of states in the deep South such as Alabama, Georgia, or Mississippi, which bears the nickname “the Magnolia State.” While these trees are commonly found throughout the southern states, the southern magnolia is also quite at home [...]

Your Plants Are A Valuable Asset – Let Us Take Care Of Them For You

A new deck, a remodeled living room, a newly finished basement, a new kitchen. Each of these home upgrades makes a home more enjoyable, more attractive and as an investment, more valuable. So, it makes perfect sense that homeowners focus on not only these improvements but also on regular maintenance [...]