Harsh Winter Brings Ice Damage

Winter is upon us St. Louis! Are you prepared for the snow and ice that our winters can bring? Let Hansen’s Certified Arborists take a look at your trees. We can determine if there are any weakened or decaying limbs that need to be removed before ice damage threatens your [...]

Storms sweep through St. Louis area Tuesday night

There was quite a lightning show on Tuesday evening and with it came rain, hail and power outages in parts of the St. Louis area. If your home, car or other property were damaged by trees in the storm, contact Hansen’s Tree Service today. We handle any size tree removal [...]

Storms Are No Way To Welcome The New Year

The clean-up & recovery continue after an EF-3 tornado devastated Fort Leonard Wood on New Years Eve. Many were left with no homes to go home to at all & others were left with very little left standing of their homes & staggering amounts of debris to clean up & [...]

New Years Eve Storms Bring Need For Emergency Tree Service

  The clean-up & recovery continue after an EF-3 tornado devastated Fort Leonard Wood on New Years Eve. Many were left with no homes to go home to at all & others were left with very little left standing of their homes & staggering amounts of debris to clean up [...]

Emergency Tree Removal Service

A huge storm just rolled through your area leaving in its wake downed trees & power lines. Now what do you do in order to get your life back to “normal” as soon as possible? Your first call should be to the emergency phone line of your power company if [...]