5 Flowering Trees For Small Spaces

For those of us with smaller yards, space is something to be used wisely. When it comes to planting flowering trees, there are several varieties that could meet your needs. From delicate blooms to brilliant fall color, these trees can brighten up your property in a pinch. Up Next: 4 [...]

The 4 Best Replacement Trees For Your Ash

Ash trees are highly susceptible to the invasive emerald ash borer. This pest feeds on the leaves and bark of ash trees, causing extensive damage and tree death. Since 2002, it has killed millions of ash trees and caused billions of dollars of damage in the United States. Up Next: [...]

Can Invasive Trees Reduce Property Value?

At Hansen’s Tree Service, we like to emphasize the importance of the right tree in the right place. This has a huge impact on not only property safety but also property value and tree health. The Environmental Cost Of Invasive Species Invasive species can devastate native populations if left unchecked. [...]

Invasive Species Alert: Tree Of Heaven

Invasive species are a problem in the Midwest and United States, from emerald ash borer to Bradford pears. Invasive species crowed out beneficial native plants, harming local ecosystems. Up Next: Native Landscaping: Trees & Plants To Attract Birds In Missouri One of these invasive species to be on the lookout [...]

Removing Unwanted Tree Saplings From Your Yard

It’s no secret that we love trees here at Hansen’s Tree Service. Trees provide multitudes of benefits to ourselves, our homes, and the planet: Reduced energy costs Less stress Cleaner air Up Next: Tree Care 101: Preventative & Curative Treatments But sometimes, there are times when we don’t want a [...]