Testing Long-Term Emerging Treatments For Oak Galls

Oak galls are a common tree problem that has been historically overlooked as a cosmetic disease. But now we know that without the right care, they can cause leaf browning and dieback and cut off essential nutrients to twigs. If an infestation is severe enough, oak galls can kill the [...]

What’s Wrong With My Trees? Wood Decay

Wood Decay Is Caused By Fungi While wood decay is natural—and beneficial—in nature, we don’t necessarily want it occurring in the trees on our lawns. Wood decay first begins when the tree is damaged by natural or man-made means, be it a storm or improper pruning. Fungus spores and bacteria [...]

Protecting Your Trees From Summer Storms

In summer, heavy downpours and strong winds can damage trees and make them a safety hazard. Already we have seen heavy storms that required emergency tree services from our team, like fallen trees and branches. Up Next: Hansen’s Essential Summer Tree Care Checklist Why protect your trees from summer storms? [...]

What Is Wrong With My Trees? Tent Caterpillars

Tent Caterpillar Are Juvenile Moths Tent caterpillars are caterpillars that build nests in trees that resemble large webs. When you see the caterpillar, they are just the juvenile stage of the adult eastern tent caterpillar moth. Adults can be identified by their medium size, feathery antennae, and long scales that [...]

What To Expect From Your Hansen’s Hassle-Free Estimates

No one has all the time in the world. That is why at Hansen’s Tree Service we believe that you should get the tree care you need when you need it. Up Next: Tree Care 101: Preventative & Curative Treatments Whether that care be pruning, removal, or a wellness check, [...]