The Magic Beans- Hansen’s Own Organic Compost – St. Louis

Buying Organic Compost and using it after Aeration gives a lot of “Bang for the Buck” In the heat of a St. Louis summer, it’s hard to believe, what my lawn really is thirsty for is the benefits that organic compost brings. Face it, it’s St. Louis, it’s hot & [...]

Listen Live!

Do you enjoy learning about what’s happening out in your lawn and garden? Did you know that Hansen’s sponsors two radio programs on tree & plant health? If you are in the St. Louis Metro- find us on KMOX AM every Saturday morning from 8a-11a. In the Springfield, MO area- [...]

Take a look at these tomato plants!

Go to the gallery section of this website & check out Walker’s Garden. He planted them using our compost (nicknamed “the magic beans”) and look at how big, beautiful & vibrant the plants are already! We can’t wait to see the plants produce in July!! Stay tuned!

White Oaks Turning Brown

Many white oaks across southern and eastern Missouri are turning brown due primarily to the jumping oak gall, and possibly also due to some effects of fungal diseases. MDC offices are being flooded with calls from concerned landowners. Attached is a Forest Health Alert sheet that provides some answers. The [...]

Jumping Oak Gall

FOREST HEALTH ALERT White Oaks Turning Brown in Late Spring Problem: Leaves on entire crowns of white oak trees turn brown in late Spring. In some cases, whole hillsides appear brown. Individual leaves turn brown starting at the margins, and sometimes curl up and turn black.