Recognizing, Treating, & Preventing Borer Infestations

Borer infestations are a headache no tree owner wants to think about. Not only do these beetles threaten your trees and make them look unsightly, they can potentially spread and severely damage trees beyond your own. Learn more about two borer infestations we see here at Hansen’s and how you [...]

Transplant Shock On Trees

You have planted a new tree fresh from the nursery in your yard. Then, you notice that it appears to be dying. Did the nursery sell you a sick tree? Did you plant it wrong? Try to stay calm. Your tree may not be suffering from an insect or disease. [...]

Celebrate International Composting Week with Hansen’s

May 6-12, 2018 is International Composting Week. First declared in 1995 in Canada, International Composting week raises awareness of the benefits of composting and helps educate people around the world on its use. This year’s theme is Compost! Building a Better Future. At Hansen’s Tree Service, we are dedicated to [...]

Hansen’s Had A Tree-Mendous Time At St. Louis Earth Day!

On April 21-22, 2018, Hansen’s celebrated for the second time at the St. Louis Earth Day Festival at Forest Park at the St. Louis Earth Day Festival. Thank you to organizers to Jen, Bob, Laura and the rest of the staff and volunteers for putting on a top-notch festival and [...]

Spring Tree Care Tips

Spring is here and that means it is time to start getting your trees and lawn back into shape. A healthy, well-maintained landscape will not only look amazing, but help keep your property safe.