Choosing A Professional Tree Care Service

Your trees are an important part of your landscape. Not only do they provide benefits like reduced energy bills and increased home value, but they also provide environmental benefits like helping reduce air temperature, reducing stormwater runoff, blocking noise, and removing pollutants from the air we breathe.

Why Soil Injected Fertilizer Is Worthwhile

Fertilizing your trees is an essential part of putting your trees to bed before winter. While you can fertilize through traditional methods like granular fertilizer, advances in tree care technology have made caring for your trees simpler. Up Next: Prevent Insect Problems With Horticultural Oil Treatments Injection treatments, also known [...]

The Best Trees To Plant For Fall Color In the Midwest

Fall in the Midwest countryside is always a gorgeous treat for the eyes: A collage of reds, yellows, and oranges that are an attraction to both tourists and locals. If you want a piece of the fall beauty in your own lawn, these trees are the ones to plant. Up [...]

4 Benefits Of Applying Organic Topdressing To Your Lawn This Fall

A healthy lawn not only looks good, but can help improve the environment by helping clean the air, trap stormwater runoff, and improve soil structure to prevent compaction. That is why you should topdress your lawn this fall with Hansen’s organic compost, as needed. Here are several benefits to applying [...]

Prevent Insect Problems With Horticultural Oil Treatments

The best way to treat any problem is to take steps to prevent it from happening in the first place.  This is true when it comes to caring for your trees. Take preventive measures to protect your trees against bug infestations by applying horticultural oils to the twigs and branches [...]